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Environ Vitamin A and the Menopause

Environ Vitamin A and the Menopause

Dryness, hot flushes, thinning skin, loss of volume, lines, and wrinkles are all some of the  significant "effects" experienced by women in the menopause transition.


Vitamin A is the one molecule that stands out above all others in terms of its central role in skin health, and the protection against cumulative photo damage and ageing.

The best way to prepare skin adequately for the changes during menopause is to make sure that the skin cells are rich in optimal amounts of vitamin A, antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, as well as peptides.  These essential skin nutrients will help build up the collagen, elastin, and natural moisturising factors to optimal levels and stabilise the water proofing layer of the epidermis.  The richer your skin is in these essential components, the less noticeable the hormone deficiency will be during menopause.  If one only starts at the time of menopause, it will take approximately 2 years to catch up, unless there is a fair amount of preceding damage, then it may take longer.

Dr Des Fernandes (Environ Founder and Scientific Director) says, “I always recommend that women approaching menopause should boost the epidermal vitamin A levels using their recommended Environ Essential Vitamin A Ranges which will automatically supply added antoxidants, particularly the essential vitamin C and E for the skin.  The aim is to acclimate the skin to higher and higher levels of vitamin A and antioxidants which is simply and effectively achieve with Environs Vitamin step up system”.

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